Where has January gone... is the rest of 2009 going to woosh past as well. Maybe a bit like the bus today that just kept on driving rather than stopping to let me on :-(
Well the Christmas season was a nice quiet affair, I think we needed a bit of time at home after a hectic year. I got some lovely pressies, including some new spinning wheel bobbins mwhaha. One pressie was the Nigella Lawson Christmas book. To be honest she is not really my favourite TV personality.. in fact I can't actually sit through one of her programmes. The book is fantastic though... lovely to look at and nice simple instructions.
So nice in fact, I became a little too enthustiastic and decided I would make the traditional New Years lunch. First sticking point was buying the pork joint, which was quite specifically described in the book. Best idea I thought, take the book to a proper butcher who could help me. Well I took it down the road to Leith with me and I can't say I quite fitted in with the other customers in the shop and was quite the entertainment to the butcher and those in the queue when I took it out of my bag! But along with the sarky comments, he gave me a fantastic piece of meat which looked exactly like the picture. All plain sailing after that, apart from searching for ready prepared chesnuts in the couple of days after Christmas...
Dinner was fantastic, tastiest I have ever made I think. Perhaps I should give Nigella a break...
I wasn't too ambitious with the Christmas knitting this year due to so much uni work, so it wasn't too bad finishing things off. I will need to get some pictures up soon.
Anyway, no resolutions for me this year will just take it as it comes. Already blown the plan to reduce my stash by 2010 by buying several kilos of wool in the sales...looking forward to that package arriving though!