This is the first project that got me knitting, its from a scarf kit. Very snuggly and warm and v long. Took me a while to get around to finishing it, seemed to take a very long time... also not easy to see where you go wrong but at least the furry bits hide the mistakes.
This is one half of a pair of socks I am making for D. He has size 10 feet so maybe it wasn't best to attempt these as my first socks as they take a while to get to the end. I am using Regia 4ply with the Regia free pattern.
They look kind of cammoflage so they will be good when we are out geocaching teehee.
This is my Ann Bud jumper in progress, its for me! Its a purply-blue colour in DK, still quite some way off being finished as it has been put to one side for socks and a baby jumper...
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