Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Hmm the phone lies!

These are for B, Fetching pattern in Sublime Cashmerino Aran... it is really nice yarn with silk and cashmere. My first attempts at a cable pattern and it wasn't too scary at all.
Not really many more pics I can post with Christmas approaching! I did knit a throw in Wendy Pampas with a basketweave pattern which has gone to its new home, but I was so busy trying to weave in the ends and wrap it I didn't get a pic :-( but I did like the pattern so I think I will do another one to keep in the New Year (plus I really enjoyed using huge needles haha).
We picked up this travel bug when we were caching, but I did think he really needed a jumper in this weather... what do you think?
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Right I've done it
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Ravelry here I come.... well sometime anyway. Still, too busy to look at it at the moment anyway, I here it is good for forgetting the time but I have too much study to do :-(
Finished socks for D.. only they are too small oops so they might be for someone else now. Started some new socks in Rowan cashcotton and it is sooo sooo soft it will be hard to give them to the intended.
Started a crochet throw too for my class. Not sure why I chose a throw when I really don't need anything else big to make, but there we go. It is going to be entirely red and black.
Right, better go. 6 people have joined the Ravelry queue while I have written this post!
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Friday, 2 November 2007
Getting Hooked
Last night KG and I started crochet classes. Since KG can already crochet she was making a really beautiful ipod cozy with some sock yarn while the rest of us were working on sample squares... well it is supposed to be a square. I seem to have an edge problem going on.
But it is really very fun and I can feel another addiction coming on. I am already thinking about things I can make and I can't even get a straight edge yet.
Knitting wise I am on another pair of handwarmers. Take 2 is in Jaegar merino and a lot smoother, also trying to make them a bit longer. The colour is great and doesn't really show in the photo.
Last weekend I went to the SECC and got this great crochet book. Also some new scissors and some silk fat quarters to use for bag linings. I met up with Fee for a coffee which was really nice. I'm not used to wandering around by myself at these things but actually really enjoyed a day to myself.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
What have I been up to?
I meant to post some more pics from our hol, but not managed to sort those out either yet, so here is my favourite. We saw the sun setting as we had dinner on our last night, just North of Oban... it was so beautiful, well you can see...

I did have a bit of a knitting rut though.. decided not to finish the baby blanket for now, so started a jacket instead.. then I have go stuck with the border so I made 1 shoe.. yes just one then decided to do something else.
Finished 1 sock for D in Oban, then made several attempts at handwarmers but couldn't get them right.. too narrow, too wide...
So when I got back decided to put it all to one side and make D the scarf I had promised him and actually committed myself to finishing it so I didn't have yet another half project. So this I finished in a week with no dithering and it worked because it was simple and i didn't have to think too much just knit.
It is a simple rib in nice chunky warm wool from New Lanark, it took 3x100g balls. He likes it but I think maybe I like it better.. first day we went out with it I ended up borrowing it and it was hard to give back...very snuggly. Also nice knitting something that you can wear as you are still knitting!
Anyway, now I am back in the swing I decided to get the handwarmers sorted. This is my first time at creating something without a set pattern, although I did use the smocking stitch from the mug cozy I made. These are in Rowan Tweed and the smocking stitch makes them nice and warm.

Oh and little sister, if you are reading this you can't have them till Christmas.. mwahahaha.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Fibre Fest/Get Knitted
Then we visited the Mill itself and went on the tour.
The tour explained the process of turning fleece into lovely yarn. This is carded fleece ready for spinning.
This machine is spinning wool, and plying two reels together.
After that we had to visit the gift shop of course... I was a bit suprised when she rung up the till and it was over £4000.... The lady had managed to charge me for 2082 postcards instead of 1, thankfully it was just a mistake!! haha
Then yesterday we went to Get Knitted... wow what a selection. We have good knitting shops in Edinburgh, but this is in another league. Got a few items, but was fairly restrained. Now I need to go pack my case and work out how I am going to shut it....
Monday, 3 September 2007
Royal Visit
First we visited the Royal Mews, where the Queen's horses have nothing but the best.
Then we visited the Palace (Summer opening of the State rooms).
Since Grandma had her mobility scooter, we got to go in at the front gates! Bit strange to turn around and see all those faces looking through the fence though
Couldn't take any photos inside, but wow I was really impressed. We saw the special exhibition of the Queens wedding dress which is showing this year, completely stunning. Also displayed were gifts she received for the wedding... jewellery so beautiful it is hard to believe it is actually not fake!
On the way out, visitors go out through the back of the Palace and through the garden.
I had a really great day and it was a fantastic tourist experience. At all times the staff were polite and genuinely helpful. Toilet facilities and disabled access were excellent. Considering the volume of people they were dealing with I was very impressed, would recommend it.
Note to self - this is not a good angle to photo my hand
Friday, 31 August 2007
Visit to Wells
Saturday, 25 August 2007
My new favourite advert
5 squares finished on the blanket and sewn together.. 15 to go. Lucky the baby hasn't arrived yet. Lots of uni work at the moment so progress on knitting is slow.
Yesterday took a trip to Jenners, 25% off everything in the haberdashery dept.. I suspect they are getting rid of it? Anyway got a few little bargains for my stash. Trying to be good though because next weekend I am hoping I will get the chance to go here and here.
Also I will be going here with Grandma and will hopefully get some more of the squares done!
Today I started taking up a pair of trousers, 1 leg done and looks wearable. Valuable skill to perfect when you have little legs! I have about 6 pairs that I have bought in sales and never sorted out, so I am going to attempt a pair each weekend...
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Updated Projects/Purchases
Anyway, I made her a mug cozy since she is such a caffeine addict so it will get lots of use. I made a bit of a mistake and didn't leave space to finish it with the ribbing at the top.. I was quite disapointed until I stitched in a bit of elastic and then it looked LOTS better. She liked it so much she has requested some matching handwarmers.
Also knitted a bottle cozy for her champagne.. everyone needs champagne for their 21st after all.
Interweave arrived this week, thanks to the fantastic gift of a subscription from KG. Still looking through but some really nice patterns. The Americans do knitting mags so much better than the brits, it actually takes some time to read the non-pattern parts of the magazine and it holds my interest for a decent amount time.

Also got these blue dpns from HK to make the mug cozy... they are soo pretty, but the photo is a bit rubbish. Hope the blue doesn't rub off like some other colour coated needles I got with a kit, but they do seem better quality. (They are Boyes, 4mm).
There has been a lot of climbing programmes on TV this week, which made me feel inspired to get this chalk bag...

Nooo silly, not for climbing! It's for my sock knitting of course!
Started making a baby blanket with my Lidl cotton.. made 1 square then realised I wouldn't have enough to finish the blanket.. lucky me managed to appeal online and Nicx has answered my call. I will pop something nice in the post on Monday for a trade.
There is a star pattern on each square, but it hasn't really shown in the photo. 2.5 squares done, 17.5 to go...
As for my boys, D has got himself a DS this weekend so has spent this afternoon playing with it. It's a treat for him to pass the time on the train to his new job in Glasgow.
Dylan is happy because he has got the new argos catalogue... look at that little contented face.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Last weekend, just to keep Dylan happy I made him a friend. This weekend I finished the face after several attempts.

Pattern is from Fuzzy Mitten, body is in Rowan Dk cotton and body from left overs.
I enjoyed making this, but it was fairly fiddly to put together all the bits. I have the other patterns in the series so will be attempting some of the others at some point. Maybe my faces will improve with practice!
D has named him Bunji, not really sure why but it's cute.
Friday, 27 July 2007
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Bea's Bag

Ran out of wool to do the handles, but D managed to get these for me. They attach through the wool, then you can remove them for washing.
Lined the bag with fabric from Mandors. Really nice shop, I will be going back there I think! This time I handstitched the lining rather than using the sewing machine. It doesn't look too bad and the seems were fairly strong so hopefully it holds ok.
Finished HP 7.... was tearful towards the end, partially the story and partially knowing it was the last one. Definitely need to re-read, but when I have a bit more time. Overall I thought it was very good. What will JK do now??
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Finally got it....
Some great costumes though and glad I had my hat, it was starting to get a bit cold after standing around for so long.
The 3 of us have been cuddled up on the couch reading (Yes, Dylan has been on the couch too :-)) and avoiding any reviews and the TV all weekend...